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Tuesday, November 6, 2012


     NaBloPoMo. National Blog Posting Month. I know some of you were thinking what the..??  Seems like it's a good way to find new blogs to read and a challenge to try and write something everyday. It says the theme for November is "blogging for blogging's sake" so, here we go.
      Now, don't tell my fiance, but I may be wrong *gasp* Well, not necessarily wrong, just not completely sure if this is the only site participating, I mean just Google national blog month and I betcha a million things will pop up. But, I dig  this site a lot so this is the list I'm stickin' with! Click here to find a list of the 1800+ blogs that are participating. I found out the littlest bit to late to participate -damn you eastern time!- but still going to challenge myself to do this. Even if I can't win any prizes or the chance for thousands of people to see my perceptive, challenge accepted!! Lucky(?) me- I have two blogs, this one and my wedding blog so I'll be able to switch it up a little.
      Here's to trying to think of something to write every single day being inspired to be a better writer!

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